Why I haven’t been blogging….

by destinyflores

In less than 24 hours we will have been in air for more than 3 hours already on our way to Sweden!

We have too much to handle at our apartment right now. Marcus finally finished finals today at 1pm and from that point we started packing like maniacs. We have movers coming tomorrow morning at 9am to take EVERYTHING to storage and after that we have to deep clean everything here to avoid a cleaning fee. Come 12 o clock were driving down to LB (2 hours south of SB) to leave my car and some other items that didn’t fit nicely in storage, then 3pm we hit the road for LAX (30min north of LB)

Our flight leaves at around 6:30pm which is luckily close to bedtime for Miles. Wish us luck

More to come tomorrow when I have time

Puss puss
